Drug Crimes
Detroit Drug Crimes Lawyers
Aggressive Criminal Defenders in Wayne, Macomb & Oakland Counties, MI
Drug arrests are common in both state and federal courts. If you are arrested for one of these, effective representation from the outset is important. Penalties can be harsh. Federal felony convictions cannot be expunged. Experienced representation can help direct your to the best outcome.
Gurewitz & Raben, PLC has the professional experience you need for a thorough and aggressive defense. We examine all the circumstances of your arrest, the search of your house or car and the conduct of officers. We know what to examine and how to develop legal strategies that can put in a position for the best possible outcome for your case, including trial where necessary.
Before you talk to law enforcement, call Gurewitz & Raben, PLC for a free consultation with one of our Detroit drug crime attorneys by at (313) 488-4422 or by email today.
Drug Crimes in Michigan
Federal and State Drug Crimes can include:
- Possession or possession with intent to distribute
- Conspiracy
- Manufacturing
- Continuing criminal enterprise
- Forfeiture
Drugs may include marijuana, cocaine - powder or crack, heroin, methamphetamine, or prescription controlled substances including pain medications not possessed for a valid medical purpose.
Penalties are serious. Some are mandatory. Felony offenses can affect your future ability to obtain professional licenses
Get proven professional guidance from a Detroit drug crime defense lawyer by contacting Gurewitz & Raben, PLC today.

Judgment of Acquittal Granted July 16, 2024 Acquitted – Not Wire Fraud
People v Peeler, 509 Mich 381 (2022) Dismissal After Win in Michigan Supreme Court
United States v Garcia, 143 F Supp2d 279 (ED MI 2000) Dismissal of Federal Murder Death Penalty
Carpenter v United States, 138 S Ct 2206 (2018) US Supreme Court Landmark Ruling
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80 Years of Collective Legal Experience
Extensive Knowledge of State & Federal Courts